Yukon Fire Crew News - July 18, 2013

Jason Tate on the Moon Lake Fire near Tok.
Chugachmiut’s Yukon Wildland Fire Crew just completed its eighth season of fire suppression and prevention in Alaska and the western United States.
The Yukon Crew was established in May 2005 as a Type-II Hand Crew. It elevated to Initial-Attack status in 2006.
This season the crew was dispatched to three fires in Alaska, including:
- Gold Mine Fire outside McGrath for 21 days
Mine Creek Fire outside McGrath for 21 days
Moon Lake Fire outside Tok for 46 days

The crew clears debris so they can get at the heat of the fire.
The crew recently finished up at the Rim Fire in California. They spent the first seven days on the southern part of the fire in Yosemite National Park before transferring to the north side in Stanislaus National Forest.
Chugachmiut has been a nationally recognized player in wildland fire since 1998.